Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Flying home

I booked my flight home yesterday. I've been worried about getting a decent price on a ticket home. It's impossible to get one for less than $1000, especially flying as close to Xmas as I am. So I'm taking a couple days off beforehand so I can fly back at a reasonable time and price. Getting home the day before Xmas wouldn't be so fun.

I fly out of Narita at 3:45pm on December 21st, and after a short layover in Detroit, I'll touch down in Indy a bit after 4pm the same day. If only it took 30 minutes for the flight. I'm sure I'll be going stir crazy after 14 hours on a plane. Going across the dateline is always weird that way.

Then I'll leave on January 7th in the morning and arrive in Tokyo after 4pm on the 8th. I'll probably get home around 7pm, just in time to go to sleep because I'll be so jet-lagged and then have to get up and go to work on the 9th. ugh

I don't think jet lag will be that bad coming back to Japan this time. Before, I would wake up completely wired and alert at 6am, but by 7:30 or 8pm I'd be crashing. Working for Nova, I wouldn't finish until 9pm, and since it took me almost 2 weeks to get through the jet lag, it was hell. But this time it'll be almost exactly like my normal schedule, so no big deal. I hope.

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