Sunday, December 05, 2004

A Prolonged Weekend

We had a terrible storm here Saturday night. Ana, Damien, Julian and I went to see the opening of 'The Incredibles,' which is a great movie, I loved it. When we got out, it was cold and pouring down rain, so we all got soaked coming home. But after I'd gone to bed, the wind was howling, rattling the scaffolding that's still outside and whistling through the drafty sliding doors I have. Some say it was a typhoon, but some other students said it wasn't, so I'm not sure. But the weather here today is beautiful. There's not a cloud in the sky, and it blew away all the smog and pollution. You can see Mt. Fuji in amazing detail, he's got his snow cap back on. You can also see the island O-shima, which is at the mouth of the bay, maybe 100km or so away, but pretty clear. I think today we're going to a fire festival in Odawara. Not sure what that is, but sounds like fun.

I'm winding down my vacation time now, and starting Wednesday I'll have to work every single day but one between now and December 27th. And no, that one day off has nothing to do with Xmas, I'll still have to go to work Christmas Eve and Day. Which sucks, royally. But I'm trying to keep a Secret Santa/Xmas party organized and on track for Xmas Day, which should make it a bit more fun. One teacher last year supposedly read the Bible to every class, including ones who could hardly put together a sentence. Might be interesting to try.

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